Friday, August 29, 2014


I will use this title piece to give my readers some things to ponder from time to time.

1. Ex President Jimmy Carter will be the Keynote speaker st the next HAMAS fund raiser. Figure that one out!

2. President Obama has appointed A Rev. Al Sharpton to be his emissary to the people of Ferguson where the riots over a Police Officer's shooting occurred. I sure we all can agree good ol Al will rally all to peaceful community participation. I'm sure you agree, right?

3. A little statistic exercise: Every day I hear from the Administration that the economy is diong quite well, jobs being added, new housing, lower unemployment, etc. Well, one would hope so after the last 6 years. Here are some interesting facts about food stams or, SNAP as it is now called since 2008 when our current President took office:
2008 food stamp program =  32 million people received 35 billion dollars in benefits
2014 food stamp program = 48 million people received 76 billion dollars in benefits
That is a 50% increase over Obama's 6 years. But no worries, the economy is doing OK.

By the way, who gets the benefits?
37% White
25% Black
9%  Hispanic
Thought it was minorities didn't you?

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


It is extremely frustrating to see the US getting snookered every day by radicals. Not so long ago we would never be pushed as we are today due to fear of reprisal. Now, instead of reprisal, we apologize and give away our strategy on twitter. With what is going on in North Korea, the China moves in the Pacific, the Russian moves in Ukrain, Issi in Iraq and Syria, Assad's remaining in power despite our meek whining, Afghanistan, and rising radical influences in Africa, it is beyond belief that we have allowed our military to wither on the vine. Our Air Force is down new planes and new drones, our Navy is the smallest since WWII,

OurArmy is smaller than during the First World War and yet, nobody is raising any substantial alarms in Washington. Why ? The budget had been sliced and diced so much, it would take a lot of flag waving to get new funding in a hurry which I recommend.

No doubt we are still the great power but China will soon surpass us and Russia is flexing new muscles fueled with oil money. Our space program is down the drain so any big advances in space that would aid Military are doubtful.

Our schools no longer have ROTC programs and colleges are turning out BA's but not many Scientists and Engineers who will be the backbone of our future technology. Most young people are quite unaware of our country's positions  on these issues and quite content to lay thumbs on various sized keyboards telling their every bathroom visit to every friend they have.

I guess what I am saying is that patriotism is near dead and gone. That is the beginning of the end of this great Nation unless we get smart and active NOW. We need to refund the military, reeducate our young people as to what makes this country great and why people from around the world want to come here. We need to elect representatives at all National, State and local levels who are interested in only the preservation and protection of our freedoms. That means term limits so that they don't get to comfortable with their safe little fiefdoms.

Not enough time or space to really make a solid argument but enough to say that in my 76 years, I have never seen this country in such a dismal and disgraceful place. It saddens me. It really saddens me.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Haloween Scary? Try this. Sure Scares Me.

Who is the largest contributor to the 2010 campaign cycle? Many would think conservative PACs such as Romney's or Rove's since these get media attention. Wrong! The largest contributor by far is the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees or, AFSCME. Their President reports that This Union's 2010 contributions will be $87,500,000 going almost entirely to Democrats.

In the 2008 cycle this Union contributed $400,000,000. again to Democrats.

Franklin Roosevelt said, "The process of collective bargaining as usually understood cannot be transplanted into the public service, a public employee strike, looking toward the paralysis of government by those who have sworn to support it is unthinkable and intolerable."

In 1975, New York union leader Victor Gotbaum said "We have the ability, in a sense< to elect our own bosses."

public employee union dues and contributions to union PACs come directly from taxpayers. So if you live in a state or city with strong public employee unions, you are paying a tax that goes to elect Democratic candidates.

Is it any wonder that the Obama 2009 stimulus contained $160,000,000,000. (yes Billion) in aid to
to state and local governments? This was intended to and did insulate union members from the ravages of the recession.

Now many states are facing enormous budget deficits and much, much greater pension liabilities. Much of the life of their private sector economies has been sucked out by the public employee unions, with a resulting flight of middle-income citizens unable or unwilling to bear such burdens.

My source for the above comments is Columnnest Michael Barone as printed in "Highlands Today".

Now think about recent ballot machine problems. In one state district the electronic ballot automatically ran the board for the Dems! How about Nevada? In that state Harry Reed was checked on the ballots.
What is not widely known is that the Unions have the contract to install and set up the machines. Guess who was instrumental in voting to award the contract to the Unions? Answer, Rory Reed. Harry's son. Coincidence? I think not.

The Private sector middle class working people are being quietly buried by those who would have a Socialistic, all powerful government control their lives and take away their constitutional rights. We, all of us, must be ever vigilant or we will eventually all wear gray suits and march in a straight line.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


So, Meg Whitman hires a Latino Lady to work for her. She finds her through an agency. When interviewed, the Latino Lady produces a Drivers License, Social Security Card and an official affidavit swearing  that she is in the US legally. Whitman did all she could or should do by law. By the way, the Latino Lady was paid $23.00 per hour. I can think of thousands of people working for major chains across this Country who do not make half that pay but the poor Latino was used?

Years later, a month before Whitman's election campaign against Jerry Brown is to be decided, Gloria Alred goes on the news and says she is defending the poor helpless Latino who was used and abused by Whitman. It turns out the Latino lady lied at her interview, used her sister's Drivers License and Social Security Card and falsely swore she was here in the US legally. In other word, she committed purgery and is an illegal alien. Just how is that Whitman's fault who did everything right?

What is dirty is that Alred is a Jerry Brown supporter and friend. Jerry Brown is a political hack looking for one more shot at fame before he goes into Talk Show heaven.

Whitman's poling numbers fell in the last few days due to this really stupid ploy by Brown's surrogate who is nothing more than a legal Grandstander. I think it is the Latino community that is largely responsible for the dip in poling and that is a shame. After all, Whitman employed one of theirs, paid her twice the going rate and thought all was good in the hood. What exactly do the Latinos want? Maybe no "LEGAL" Latinos should be hired? Is that what they want? The legal Latino community should be full out against this obvious use of an illegal to get their favor.

If this stupid political stunt is all it takes to get voters off the subject of jobs, the economy and deficit spending, God help us all. This is an example of what is so very wrong with the whole system and how self serving people can screw things up in an already tough situation. Hey California voters, you need to pay attention to this and get angry. This is not the debate on your future representatives you need to be having. Don't let the Press and Alred's spinning take you off point. Your State and our Country need to have better debates than this if we are to get Government back working for us and not itself.

I really don't know which candidate would ultimately be better. I do know this sham is not the way to find out. Any wonder why I call this Blog GOVGONENUTS?

Monday, September 20, 2010


There are two types of Unions, those that represent Government employees where the "COMPANY" does not produce profits and, those that represent employees of for profit companies.

In the case of Government employees i.e.: Police, Firefighters, Teachers, Postal workers, etc. benefits have spiraled out of anything even remotely fair to Taxpayers. The problem is that the Government knows it can not withstand a prolonged strike or slowdown in these areas. The result is benefits and retirement funds far beyond anything that rewards performance and seniority. I do support our police and firefighters who do a risky job for all of us. However, I do not believe they deserve pensions that are in the 5 and 6 figure range. I also believe pay raises should be based on performance, not years on the job.

We the Taxpayers are now strapped with pensions at all levels of Government that were neither deserved nor earned. On the contrary, they were obtained through GUN TO THE HEAD negotiating tactics. No increases, no police, no mail, no firemen, etc.

The pensions for Government workers must be reformed. We can freeze any already in place but we must devise a new system. I think these workers should get Social Security just like all other workers. I also think they should be subject to performance minimums to get a raise. This fix would save Taxpayers Billions.

As to Union workers in for profit Companies, we should do the same thing. Social Security should be the pension.

Once these reforms take place, the Social Security system itself can be revisited. With the savings from the Government Pensions the base rates for social security can be increased for all. The retirement age also must be changed. I would support the following retirement age changes for Social Security:
For those currently 50 or older, no change.
For those 49 or younger:
In 2014 the age goes to 67
In 2018 the age goes to 68
In 2020 the age goes to 69

These changes would save taxpayers money, bring Social Security back into solvency and increase the benefit to all.

As to complaints about lost Pensions, I think people who make over $60,000 can afford to save about $100. per month to supplement their Social security.

I know this fix would be wildly protested. It is not the only fix but a fix is surely needed. The problem we face as a country is nobody is willing to give an inch. Sooner or later the message that we are out of money will get through. I hope not too late.

Just look at the situation in Greece. The Government was bankrupt and only survived through loans from the EU (Germany). Yet Government workers were protesting and rioting in the streets! What could they possibly hope to achieve? That could happen here too. People are brainwashed to believe that the Government can bail them out in every case. That is just no longer true.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Here we go again. Mr. Obama is on the campaign trail telling all who will listen how his and Palosi/Reid's policies have really helped us. The audiences he selects are mostly Union groups and the locations are mostly at the few places where stimulus dollars have fixed a bridge. No question we need to fix the bridges but using that premise to distract us from reality is what we must be aware of. I can say Obama is one of the best Motivational speakers I have ever heard, a mix of Dale Carnegie and Reverend Wright. Now more than ever we must not be fooled by the rhetoric. I am most concerned that lots of people believe what they hear without looking into the facts. That is dangerous in these difficult times.

I do not claim Republicans have the answers. However, I do claim what has been going on in Washington for the last two years has hurt this Country badly in Respect, Power, Finance and quality of life. Frankly we can not continue on this path. Please, anyone who reads this, study the qualifications of people who you vote for. Be careful of rhetoric!

Obama claims the things he did to fix the Economy are working. They are not. Unemployment is up, foreclosures are up, bankruptcies are up, GDP has gotten worse. No part of Obama's plans has worked at all.

Now Obama wants to get our votes by creating another Stimulus for fixing infrastructure. Temporary jobs at best. Again. Fixing what we are not asking for.

Obama has extended his hand to Iran more than once. Iran is poking us in the eye every day.

The costs of all Obama's spending are being funded by loans from China. Meanwhile, China has built new Nuc Submarines to control the Pacific, Developed a Satellite killer, developed an Aircraft Carrier killer and is now building a super aircraft carrier of its own. Again, we are asleep at the switch.

What we need is cost cutting. We need to stop all foolish spending through earmarks. We need to cut back all spending that goes out of the Country to every Country in the world be at least 25%. We need to repeal the Health care Bill. We need to stop the Cap and Trade bill, we need to tie extended unemployment and food stamps to work. Instead of using Union workers for everything, we need to use those people on unemployment who are already getting paid by us.

We need to start thinking about the real ways to get us moving again. Create jobs by creating a motivated small business climate and keep the Bush tax cuts in place. Either send enough military might to Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan to get that job done or, get out. We can not win anything fighting with one arm tied behind our back. We won the Cold War through strength. To the people who say we should not have the strongest military and should not seek peace in distant Countries i say get a life! The US has not only won the Cold War through its strength, it has helped to build strong Democratic societies i throughout Europe and in Japan. Us citizens paid dearly for the people of those Countries to be free and have a better quality of life. We never took one square inch of their land and we never messed with their right to govern themselves.

In Washington today Politicians are focused on the wrong things. They are caught up in endless partisan bickering about stuff we really don't care about and getting nowhere while we all suffer. The problems we face can not be fixed by spending, only by cutting spending. The Unions do not create jobs, they retain overpaid obsolete jobs and drive up costs. The Banks don't need bail outs. The Auto companies don't need bail outs. What is needed is jobs that will give people money to spend on Home mortgages, autos and other things made in America.

It is really sad that with all that is happening, the only message from Obama is that he wants to spend more money we must borrow to fix Bushes problems. We are way past that bull.

Friday, August 27, 2010

What is the absolute dumbest, most moronic thing ever?

Answer: Air Guitar!
Now there's a contest to select the best Air Guitarist. There was an was an Air Guitar group on America's Got Talent!

Are we so far gone that we honor make believe imitators of real guitarists who spend years to become proficient on the instrument? Should some person be honored if he copies Santana's moves without a whit of talent or even a guitar?

OK, I know it is a fad and maybe tongue in cheek. I get it. It is still a sick way for no-talent dummies to get ill deserved attention. Losers are losers no matter how they pretend otherwise.